


A black coffee cup and a stack of newspapers meant to symbolize catching up on news

A group of Respiratory Care students attended the American Association of Respiratory 11月在纳什维尔举行的国际关怀大会. 两名学生获奖 由美国呼吸护理基金会资助. 克里斯汀·斯特里德收到了 吉米一个. Young Memorial Educational Recognition Award and Shannon Smith received the 莫顿B. 杜根纪念教育表彰奖.

科林大学 took first place in the National Sputum Bowl competition and received AARC大会期间颁发的体育精神奖. 这是第二次全国冠军 该学院也在2017年获奖. 以智力竞赛节目的形式组织,痰碗 is a respiratory care knowledge competition to test student and practitioner knowledge on subjects including anatomy and physiology, diagnostics, pathology, mechanical ventilation, neonatal/pediatric care, airway management, pharmacology and more. 两组三人 face off in 10-minute games trying to buzz in with the correct answers before the 其他. 科林大学’s team of Jason Shim, Kimball Wiser, and Arian Saber w在 冠军奖. In addition to bragging rights, the team will have the opportunity to travel to Galway, Ireland, to visit the headquarters of Aerogen, the Sputum Bowl’s 今年的供应商赞助商. 第二支参赛队伍获得了弗雷德·赫尔姆霍兹奖 winners for sportsmanship as voted on by all competing teams. 

Dean Daphne Babcock of 威利校园 has been selected as the new Chair of the Wylie 室板! 她于今年1月开始担任这一职位.

教练吉姆·西格纳获得了700分th 职业生涯主教练赢客场1月. 10胜游骑兵学院. Sigona已经 coached at Collin since the men's basketball program's inception.

Three 科林大学 music students were named to the Texas Community College Band Directors Association (TCCBDA) All-State music ensembles for 2023-24. 学生们 will perform with the All-State Symphonic Band as part of the Texas Music Educators 协会大会在亨利B. 在圣安东尼奥的冈萨雷斯会议中心 2月. 10. 学生们 named to the All-State Symphonic Band are Lucinda Gatesman, flute; David Sparks, tuba; and Liam Watson, bass clarinet.

Reina Williams, executive director of the library, began her 2023-2024 term as a Delegate 在 美洲区域理事会(ARC) 和OCLC全球委员会. 作为ARC的代表,她代表OCLC成员图书馆 in the Americas (Canada, the United States, the Caribbean, Mexico, Central America, 及南美洲). She convenes with library leaders worldwide on issues important to libraries, including the latest technologies and innovations being implemented 在今天的图书馆里.

Ann Blackman presented “Integrate the EDUCAUSE Digital Learning Strategy Framework at Your Institution” via a poster session at the Educause 2023 Annual Conference in 芝加哥. The presentation was based on her work as co-chair for the Educause Working 研究结果发表在2023年5月的《火博体育》(Educause Review)上. 看看下面的工作 link. http://er.educause.edu/articles/2023/5/a-framework-for-developing-an-institutional-digital-learning-strategy

Dr. Tracey McKenzie recently traveled with sociology students to Tulsa, Oklahoma, 参观格林伍德区. 由黑人企业家建造的格林伍德是其中之一 the wealthiest and most successful Black American communities in the nation until 1921年塔尔萨种族大屠杀. Students learned about the massacre and about the community’s resilience and rebuilding, which was followed by a second destruction from “urban 更新.” Students visited the Greenwood Rising Museum and took a walking tour guided 是大屠杀的后代干的. 作为额外的奖励,学生们还参加了一场舞会 塔尔萨的亡灵节. 回家后,学生们参观了俄克拉荷马城 Museum and Memorial, the site of the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. 默拉联邦 Building and learned about the causes and consequences of extremism and domestic terrorism.   The trip brought to life concepts being studied in class, offering students a deeper and richer learning experience and an opportunity to reflect 在 value of education 在理解世界的过程中.

Katherine Rios and Tim Accountius recently received the NIGP Certified Procurement 专业(NIGP-CPP)认证. NIGP-CPP反映了一个整体的观点 采购领导在他们的工作表现中所做的. 它包括采购技巧 (like planning, solicitation, and contract administration) traditionally covered in 其他采购认证项目. 它还强调了三个关键焦点 areas that lead to success regardless of their specific role: strategy, business principles 运营和领导力.

The college’s new Esthetician program launched at the 院子中心 with 15 students 在第一组队列中. 

All six graduates of the Veterinary Technology Class of 2023 passed the national exam 第一次尝试. Nationally, the first attempt pass rate is 70%, but 科林大学 is 100%.

In partnership with the Finance team, the Training and Development team supported 83 employee requests to participate in the Employee Dependent Tuition Benefit program. Spring 2024 marks the first semester 科林大学 offered this benefit to employees.

Nursing Professor Kim Jordan-Washington completed her Doctor of Nursing Practice degree at Chamberlain University, with a concentration in Educational Leadership.

安德里亚·B. Szlachtowski passed all qualifying written and oral exams and coursework 给她的,艾德.D. 获得德克萨斯州高等教育学位&商科硕士,现已正式成立 博士候选人.

Amber Allen started her two-year term as president of the Board of Registered Polysomnographic 技术专家(BRPT) 1月11日. 1. BRPT是全球公认的证书 睡眠技术专家协会. http://www.brpt.org/about/board-of-directors/

In December, 科林大学 received two TRUE grants from the Texas Higher Education 协调委员会. 一笔154,154美元的拨款支持碰撞技术计划. An其他 grant, awarded to a consortium of Collin, Tyler Junior College, and Trinity Valley Community College, will enhance the certified nurse's aide (CNA) and phlebotomy 这三所学校的课程.

The 技术学校 supported Allen Community Outreach (ACO) with its 2023 Blanket 开车. Two gigantic boxes were filled and delivered to ACO late in December to help 我们社区中需要帮助的成员. 该学院还敲定了成人课程 Education Literacy Grant proposal that ACO has agreed to support with some of its 很棒的节目. 

副院长Rachel B. 沃克已经完成了凯勒公民学院,一个强大的 10-week program that provides an overview of everything the city does to support the 凯勒公民.